Drivin' in the Peach Bowl Parade

Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Good friend Ron Floyd organizes a fleet of Corvettes each year to carry dignitaries in the Peach Bowl Parade.   This year, Tennessee meets Maryland tonight at 7:30p on ESPN.

The parade is sponsored by Chick-fil-A.   It runs through downtown Atlanta with bands, clowns, motorcycles, floats -- and 20 Corvette convertibles.   Ron called to ask me if I'd drive the '64 this year; sadly, it's still in the shop so I volunteered the CE.   He'd actually forgotten I had it and decided it would be "ok" to bring it.  

If you've done parades you know that they are (how shall I put this.....) not the most crisply organized affairs imaginable.   Everything is changing all the time.   Just one example: When we all met at our rallying spot at 11am, Ron handed out a card to each car with their position in the group.   He had carefully provided the list of names, car descriptions and order to the parade officials.   I was assigned #3.   When we got to the parade staging area, I was re-assigned by a parade official to position #12.   When we drove out of the staging area I turned out to be #1.

I don't think this was why Ron looks so pissed, but you never know:

And, oh yes; they provided magnetic signs last year (though they were told months in advance that magnetic signs don't adhere to plastic cars all that well) -- they did it again this year.   Sigh...

We met in a parking lot at Cumberland Mall and had KrispyKremes.   Gael even came along to see everyone though she wasn't going to be able to come to the parade (two-seater, dontcha know).

We caravanned from Cumberland Mall down to the parade staging area in downtown Atlanta:

Then we waited until they wanted our group lined up.   We sat in line for an hour or so until we were joined by our dignitaries.

Among the dignitaries were Miss Atlanta, Miss Teen Atlanta, The Peach Bowl queen and other lovely young women.   There were also a bunch of old men.

Guess who I got to ride with me.

They brought over a lovely gentlemen (a decade or so older than me) who was a past Grand Marshal of the parade.   He kept saying how surprised he was that everyone was so friendly as we drove through town, waving and cheering (nah, he knew it was the car!) We had the best time!

Here are some of the participants:

Think Corvette guys and gals are a bunch of clowns? Do ya? Well, we had real ones...

And, speaking of clowns, there are usually no pictures of me; well...

Oh, yeah; the parade:

Finally, here's our host, Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A:

(Corvette? Nope 1961 Cadillac ElDorado; nice ride!)

Winston Whitlock took these pictures; thanks, Winston!